The Anxiety Cure (4): Letting it ALL happen
At some point on the journey, when all is said and done, in order to recover from anxiety we must let go and let it
Psychosocial Workplace Stress Temperature Check
“Psychosocial hazards can create stress. Stress is the body’s reaction when a worker perceives the demands of their work exceed their ability or resources to
The Anxiety Cure (3): You must get super familiar with your symptoms
“I hope I don’t have a panic attack when I go to work today…” This is a common and debilitating thought for many people suffering
The Anxiety Cure (2): Your brain is not defective or damaged
To recover from anxiety states, we first must believe that recovery IS possible. However, a huge hurdle for many is shifting the false belief that
The Anxiety Cure (1): Soothe Flight, Fight & Freeze Yes, you can absolutely fully and completely recover from anxiety (and related states such as panic, obsessions, compulsions and phobias). In this series of
Is mindfulness really for everyone?
“I have tried meditation but I can’t get my mind to switch off.” Is mindfulness really for everyone? This was a question I had in
Why Promoting Workplace Wellness and Reducing Stress Should be the Number One Focus in Every Business
Happy and healthy employees are productive, efficient and engaged. Happy and healthy employees will keep your customers happy and make you more money. It really
Stress in healthcare – take back control of your health
How do you take control over your own health in a complex healthcare system? Anyone who experiences health issues has to move in and out